Some key features of Google Search Console include:

  • Performance Reports: These reports provide data on how your website is performing in Google Search, including information on clicks, impressions, click-through rates (CTR), and average position in search results. You can use these insights to track the performance of your website over time and identify opportunities for improvement.
  • Index Coverage Reports: These reports help you understand which pages of your website have been indexed by Google and identify any indexing issues that may be preventing certain pages from appearing in search results.
  • URL Inspection Tool: This tool allows you to inspect a specific URL on your website and see how Google's search engine views it. You can use this tool to check if a particular page has been indexed, understand any issues that might be affecting its visibility, and request indexing for new or updated content.
  • Mobile Usability Reports: These reports help you identify any mobile usability issues on your website, allowing you to ensure that your site is mobile-friendly and provides a positive user experience for mobile visitors.
  • Security Issues Alerts: Google Search Console can alert you to any security issues or manual actions that might be affecting your website's presence in search results. You can use these alerts to address any security issues promptly and ensure that your site remains secure and accessible to users.

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